I replied to an internet employment ad on craigslist. Among other things, the application requested my gender and age. Is this legal?
I have an agreement with my employer that says that I am an independent contractor. I have been working for him for 3 years and he treats me like all of the rest of the people who are employees. Am I am employee or an independent contractor when deciding if I should get overtime?
I have been working for a company for three years and they have me on the payroll as an independent contractor. It seems like they should be paying me benefits and social security, but they are not. When I got pregnant, they started hinting at laying me off. Is that legal?
What kind of jobs are considered non-exempt and therefore entitled to overtime?
By Deskin Law Firm
Some examples of positions that are usually non-exempt and therefore entitled to overtime include:
- Bookkeepers, secretaries and clerks of various kinds who perform routine clerical duties,
Have you ever been taken advantage of during a salary negotiation? Have HR personnel ever tried to pin you down on a number early during the process? What if it is a dream job? The truth is, hiring managers are expecting you to negotiate. Learn how.