My employer got mugged by a Latino man and lately he has been openly hostile to me. I am Latino, but I have worked for him for 2 years, so I do not know why he is taking it out on me. Is this legal?
By Deskin Law Firm
If your employer intentionally causes or knowingly continues to create an objectively intolerable working conditions, you may have a discrimination case against him for constructive discharge. If a reasonable person would feel compelled to resign because their employer intentionally caused objectively intolerable working conditions or knowingly allowed them to exist.
Are your Working Conditions Considered Intolerable and Discriminatory?
To figure out if your discrimination situation is illegal you must determine:
1. If you are an employee protected from discrimination under the law.
2. If your employer is subject to anti-discrimination laws.
3. If your employer's conduct is considered discriminatory under the law.
4. If the reason your employer discriminate against you violates the law.